Automation in Healthcare: Rectangle Health quarterly marketing campaign.
Each quarter Rectangle Health launches a new marketing nurture campaign, each time with a new topic for conversation. Q1 in 2022 was about automation in healthcare. Creative for this project was developed in stages, beginning with the white paper “Shaping what’s possible. How automation helps conquer today’s healthcare challenges”. White paper design set the tone and established a mini visual identity for the automation theme which was later applied to the series of emails, woven into social graphics and web ads. Campaign culminated with the launch of Rectangle Health’s first podcast, I recorded, edited the audio and designed the animated cover for it.

Select emails from the Automation in Healthcare email nurture campaign.
White paper “Shaping what’s possible. How automation helps conquer today’s healthcare challenges”. Play video to flip through the pages.
Series of social posts on Automation in Healthcare with themed graphics. Banner ad on Becker’s Healthcare website.