New website for Rectangle Health

Transition from a payments processing brand to a unified platform solution with capabilities in patient engagement, financing and compliance began with acquisitions of several smaller organizations with their own uniques identities. Website redesign was one of the challenges I was tackling along with the brand visual identity and messaging refresh.


Main objective from the marketing perspective was to improve lead generation and conversion rates. We planned to improve UX, SEO, increase credibility and elevate the product brand. The messaging strategy has shifted to focus on the transformation achieved through our product: demonstrating its benefits, its value, and its user-friendliness.  [gif graphic illustrates the state of the website before redesign]

Creative Challenges

As a creative director on this project I’ve faced a number of strategic challenges:

  1. Disjointed identities of the company – Rectangle Health – and the product – Practice Management Bridge.

  2. Need to roll three new products under the Practice Management Bridge brand preserving existing customers relationships and reputation.

  3. Limited internal resources – existing website maintenance was outsourced to a 3rd party agency.

Stage 1
Discovery Process and Moodboard

We’ve partnered with a Digital Growth agency - Iron Paper to work on the website project.

In partnership with the agency I’ve conducted a series of workshops to discover brand identity strengths and highlight opportunities for improvement. I designed a moodboard to consolidate internal stakeholder insights and visions. Moodboard was used as a styleguide for the new website look and feel.

I’ve created series of graphic concepts to tell the story of Practice Management Bridge: how it connects healthcare provides with patients through seamless scheduling, communications, payments, financing and other experiences.

Stage 2
Design and Development

We’ve partnered with a Digital Growth agency - Iron Paper to work on the website redesign.

In parallel I was working on the product launch campaign and video. Video project has shaped the vision for the new website and fueled it with unique, custom made for the brand visuals.

In partnership with the agency I’ve conducted a series of workshops to discover brand identity strengths and highlight opportunities for improvement. I designed a moodboard to consolidate internal stakeholder insights and visions and merge it with the visual theme of the product video.

Stage 3
Launch and Maintenance

Website was designed on Wordpress platform using modular approach: I guided the agency in the process of building functional blocks for various types of content and we currently work with a library of elements that we’re able to edit and move around depending on the task.

We’ve launched the new Rectangle Health website in January 2024. It’s been updated monthly with new content and pages.


SaaS Platform Launch Campaign


Product Promotional Animation